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Day Excursion Terms & Conditions

(and concert or event tickets- where applicable)

Booking you excursion (or concert/event)

You may book an excursion (or concert/event) by visiting one of our travel offices, by telephone or on our website.

For day excursions full payment is required at the time of booking, but seats can be held on option for 7 days (48 hours within 14 days of departure) pending receipt of payment. For concerts a deposit of £50.00 per person is required at the time of booking, the balance is due 6 weeks before departure. Payment may be made by cash, cheque or credit/debit card.
Your booking will be confirmed by the issue of a Travel Ticket showing your joining point and time, seat number(s) and approximate return time.

If you change you’re booking

If, after your travel ticket has been issued, you wish to transfer to another one of our day excursions we will do our upmost to make these changes, provided notification is received at our offices from the person in whose name the booking was made. This must be accompanied by a payment of £5.00 to cover administration costs. Any alteration within 14 days of departure will be treated as cancellation of the original booking and will be subject the cancellation charges set out below. Other alterations such as the addition of requests or change of pick-up point must be notified and accompanied by a payment of £5.00 to cover administration costs.

Changes of pick-up point or any additional special requests cannot be guaranteed within 14 days of departure. If your booking includes a ticket for an event, show or concert, it may not be possible to change this in which case a cancellation charge as detailed below would be payable.

If you cancel your excursion

You, or any member of your party, may cancel your excursion at any time provided that the cancellation is made by the person in whose name the booking was made. Any cancellation by you will be treated as a cancellation of the original booking and will be subject to the cancellation charge set out below, which shows the period before departure within which cancellation is received and the relevant amount of cancellation charge as a % of the excursion price.

More than 21 days – 50%
21 days or less – 100%

For excursions where Event / Show / Concert Tickets have been purchased the following cancellation charges will apply.
More than 14 days – The value of the ticket (or cancellation charge thereof) plus 50% of the remainder of the cost of the excursion.
14 days or less – 100%

NOTE: if the reason for the cancellation is covered under the terms of an insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim these charges.

If we cancel or amend you’re booking

The arrangements for our excursions are made many months in advance. Sometimes minor amendments (such as to departure times or pickup points) are unavoidable and we reserve the right to amend details when required. We will do our best to keep you informed. for major amendments, such as cancellation dur to insufficient bookings, passengers will be offered the choice of an alternative tour if available, or a full refund in full of all monies paid. Either way, the company shall be exempt from any further liability.

Missed departure

Your travel ticket clearly shows the departure point and time. Please check this carefully. You are responsible for ensuring that you are at the correct departure point and correct time, and we cannot be liable for any loss or expense suffered by passengers because of their late arrival at any departure point.

All drivers have a list of passengers joining at each point shown on clients’ tickets, and in the event of clients not being at the arranged point we will make every endeavour to trace them. The coach will wait a reasonable time, but if a client is delayed or not ale to join the coach early notification will avoid unnecessary delay and inconvenience to other passengers.

Delays / Missed show / Events etc.

We arrange departure times to give reasonable allowance for delays which may be incurred en route to venues. In the event of delays beyond our reasonable control (e.g. accidents/roadwork’s etc.) liability is restricted to returning you to your point of departure.

Coach breakdown

In the event of coach breakdown, we will normally be able to provide alternative transport arrangements in sufficient time to avoid major impact on the day. If the show/event is missed, or the day severely curtailed as a result of coach breakdown, then the company will accept liability and passengers will be offered the choice of an alternative tour if available, or a full refund in full of all monies paid. Either way the company will be exempt from any further liability.

(Show castings- if appropriate)

We are unable to guarantee that advertised of particular performers will appear in any show or concert, and no refunds will be made unless offered by the supplier/promoter.

Right of admission

The right of admission to any event is reserved to the promoter. The company will not accept any liability or offer any refund or compensation in the event that you are refused entry to a venue by nature of your behaviour or demeanour (e.g. being drunk or under the influence of alcohol, being, or appearing to be under the age limit for admission, acting in such a manner that you are refused entry). You must be prepared to be subjected to a security search of your person and belongings.

Cancelled show/event

In the event of a show/event being cancelled 12 hours of more before commencement of the performance, we will make every endeavour to contact clients to inform them of cancellation. The company will endeavour to obtain a transfer to reschedule date or refund in full.

Children & Seniors

Children of 15 years of age and under must be accompanied by an adult. However, children 16 years of age may travel unaccompanied with the written permission of a parent/guardian, but this does not qualify them to accompany other children under the age of 16 who do not have parent or guardian permission.

Regardless of the above, there may be other age limitation imposed by the organisers of an event, show or concert. On some excursions a reduction in price may be available for children and seniors, see individual trip details.

Coach seating

Coach seats are normally allocated at the time of booking and subject to availability at that time. However, seat locations cannot be guaranteed because occasionally it may prove necessary to reallocate seating due to circumstances beyond our control.

Journey times, pick up and return schedule

Although you will be provided with anticipated detail at the time of booking, these cannot be guaranteed and may change due to circumstances beyond out control. Special requests if you have a special request, we will do our best to help, but we cannot guarantee that it will be fulfilled. Please inform us of your request before you make your booking.

Passenger behaviour

We reserve the unconditional right to refuse a booking or terminate a client’s booking in the event of unreasonable conduct which in our opinion is likely to cause damage, distress, danger or annoyance to other clients, property or to a third party. If you are prevented from travelling or continue your excursion by such a termination our responsibility for your excursion thereupon ceases. Full cancellation charges will apply, and we will be under no obligation for any refund, compensation or loss which you may incur.

Passengers with disabilities

Should you or a member of your party have any medical conditions or disability that may affect the excursion, or theatre booking, please advise us prior to confirming the booking so we can advise as to the suitability of the excursion or theatre arrangements. if a passenger requires assistance then they must travel with an able-bodied carer or friend. We will make every effort too accommodate the passenger. Please advise us in advance if you intend to use wheelchair- spaces are limited.

If you have a complaint

If you have a complaint during your excursion, please inform, in the first instance, the supplier of the service and then inform our driver/courier who will do his/her best to help you there and then. If the matter is not resolved on the day you must notify us in writing within 14 days of the completion of your excursion and this must be sent to the address below. Failure to establish your complaint immediately in accordance with the above procedure may affect the outcome of it.

Travel insurance

In view of the relatively high cost of some of our inclusive day excursions we strongly recommend that our clients are covered by personal travel insurance.

Address for communication

Memory Lane Holidays & Travel
B14 William Way,
Moss Industrial Estate,